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The Wizard's Cupboard is always buying Magic Cards. We buy larger collections of Magic the Gathering (at least 1,000 cards including rares and uncommons in normal distribution or better). We also have a Sell to Us list of individual cards with our buy prices. This list includes a lot of high dollar (older) cards such as Power Nine, Arabian Nights and Legends, but also has many newer cards including some uncommons and a few commons. The cards listed are priced better because we Buy Magic Cards based on our needs and the market. We also have listed buy prices for most sets and sealed product.

If we buy from you, you will be required to ship to us insured prior to payment and our offered price will be a total to you. To sell to us, please fill in the box below with a card list and description of condition. If you have a spread sheet you wish to send, please email us and attach it to your email. Alternatively, you may describe your collection by giving us the approximate amount of cards in each commonality (R, U, C) and conditions of the bigger cards. The more information we have about the cards, the better the offer usually is. We will usually, if not always, give you a bid in 2 to 3 days.

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TWC Buy List
If you are selling quoted cards from the list below, please remember that these are the prices we are paying for M/NM unplayed cards. The price we pay for lesser condition cards may be considerably less, so make certain that you accurately describe the card's condition (see our Grading page). If in doubt, go down a grade, that is what we do. If the cards are in lesser condition please let us know in the box above. We will email you with prices for the lesser condition cards. If you want store credit as payment, you will receive 110% of the quoted price. Your account will be credited for that amount once we receive the item as described. Lastly, make sure you include the payment method you prefer and your address or paypal email address for that payment method.
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Sets, Packs and Boxes, or Singles?
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Click on Name, Set, or Buy Price to sort the list accordingly. Be aware that any information you have entered will be lost by doing so.
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Abzan Falconer
Thos card made my deck unbeatable. All creatures in the air ..
4 of 5 Stars!

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