Displaying 401 to 450 (of 8110 reviews) |
Result Pages: 9 |
Swamp by Tannen Wamsley |
Date Added: Wednesday January 11, 2012 |
In all of my black decks, I always use swamps. They are a must-have for any true MTG player. Not so ..
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] |
Counterbore by Tannen Wamsley |
Date Added: Wednesday January 11, 2012 |
Not the best counter, for sure. But it certainly deserves more than 1 star, this card murders a rele..
Rating: [2 of 5 Stars!] |
tro lol lol lol lol lol lololoolololololollolololololol
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] |
meh he's a 1/1 with 3 mana cost so anyone can destroy him. Try getting a protection card for him now..
Rating: [3 of 5 Stars!] |
I can't actually believe there is only one review. This is a MUST HAVE for any red deck. He is too o..
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] |
If you know how to build a red deck right he will help you win first round, no joke.
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] |
It's a strong card but being unable to play sorceries during the battle phase lets your opponent kno..
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!] |
Imperial Seal by Randell Graybill |
Date Added: Saturday December 24, 2011 |
This card is so expensive due to the rarity of the portals 3 kingdoms set. Any card from that set is..
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] |
Imperial Seal by Joakim Boneng |
Date Added: Monday December 19, 2011 |
A good card, but not $300 good.
I see no reason to use this instead of a vampiric tutor, except hav..
Rating: [3 of 5 Stars!] |
Great deck once you know how to play it. I've beaten my friend's sliver deck many times with this ye..
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] |
Dismember by Luis Vazquez |
Date Added: Thursday December 01, 2011 |
I was just mentioning at the bad effects this card has on the game. This card and mental missteps ar..
Rating: [3 of 5 Stars!] |
Dismember by george resso |
Date Added: Saturday November 26, 2011 |
how can anybody say this is bad for the game..there are alot of cards that are bad for the game they..
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] |
Why would I want to pay $100 for a blank piece of paper?
Rating: [1 of 5 Stars!] |
How would this work against creatures with double strike? Other than that, 7 mana for a 5/3 flyer is..
Rating: [1 of 5 Stars!] |
Leaden Fists by Bradley Kairis |
Date Added: Thursday October 27, 2011 |
Holy kapow what an awesomely underrated, unexpected card! The two abilities seem to be completely at..
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!] |
This card is overpowered, but he's not very good against swarming decks.
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!] |
Assault Strobe by Bradley Kairis |
Date Added: Thursday October 20, 2011 |
This is a decent card for beefing up a creature before the attack, but to the last reviewer, this ca..
Rating: [3 of 5 Stars!] |
I'm a big fan of alternative win conditions, especially ones as risky as laboratory maniac. Finally,..
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] |
Legendary Cudgel Troll.......... hell yeah! He\'s not super great, I just like the flavaaaaaaaaaaaaa..
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!] |
I like how people try to make standard out to be a bad thing. The company strives to create an excit..
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] |
Five stars.
Plainswalk. There\'s seriously like 3 creatures that have plainswalk, and no joke, on..
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] |
A couple more things to add. Double strike works great for creatures with "combat damage" abilities...
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!] |
Good for one sneak-attack, but rarely useful outside that.
For those who asked, yes you have to d..
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!] |
As others have mentioned, this guy is the king of spiders, no contest. By itself, a 2/7 that can blo..
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] |
Counterbore by Bradley Kairis |
Date Added: Thursday October 06, 2011 |
Counters need to be unpredictable. If you're sitting on 5+ mana and you're playing blue, and you hav..
Rating: [1 of 5 Stars!] |
This card isn't that bad. You just have to make sure your creatures are protected somehow (pro-red, ..
Rating: [3 of 5 Stars!] |
With Painter's Servant, it gives shroud to all of your creatures, including Painter's Servant. And i..
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!] |
Good, not great. Sacrificing a land whenever it deals damage to an opponent can be worked around, bu..
Rating: [3 of 5 Stars!] |
I\'m glad more people are finally posting sensible reviews here. Jace TMS is good, and it\'s because..
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] |
Ok, I would love to play against you guys that think that it is that powerfull, because I have seen ..
Rating: [2 of 5 Stars!] |
Counterbore by Anthony Chrane |
Date Added: Thursday September 15, 2011 |
Just because a card is not tournament legal does not mean it is not powerfull.
This card will not j..
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] |
I think he intends to NOT pay the one for llanowar. As such, it gets counter and he can play Summoni..
Rating: [2 of 5 Stars!] |
Its top three abilities are the only reason it is worth as much. It is over powered and that is why..
Rating: [3 of 5 Stars!] |
Dismember by Luis Vazquez |
Date Added: Friday September 09, 2011 |
What bad design. Not only is it instant speed removal on everything on the wrong side of a titan's c..
Rating: [3 of 5 Stars!] |
Indeed, this card is great with Birthing Pod and Titan Ramp, for example. The fact that this card pr..
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] |
Counterbore by Luis Vazquez |
Date Added: Friday September 09, 2011 |
The best counters to date in my opinion are:
1.) Force of Will
2.) Mana Drain
3.) Counterspell
Rating: [1 of 5 Stars!] |
Excellent card to get rid of Bloodghast paired with ostracize off course, duress for other spells su..
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] |
Would stilll have to pay the extra 1 for the llanowar elf, though, it jsut slows your opponenent dow..
Rating: [3 of 5 Stars!] |
He's BANNED because he's Brainstorm with Perks. This card completely ruined the Scars Block experien..
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!] |
Depends what the opponent is playing, caw blade, yeah, scoop, concede, and walk away. Anything else ..
Rating: [3 of 5 Stars!] |
He is not banned because of his first three abilitys, he is banned because he is the only one of the..
Rating: [2 of 5 Stars!] |
Right, so according to some people here, only the last ability is good and Jace TMS should be a 2-St..
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] |
Channel by walter mcmurray |
Date Added: Monday August 29, 2011 |
add chancellor of the tangle and cast it on turn one for even more fun
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] |
Too slow, and the infinite mana is dependent on having out three artifact creatures, happening at th..
Rating: [2 of 5 Stars!] |
WOW... I've had this carde for two weeks and it's amazing. My friends wont play with him anymore......
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] |
amazing for applying on-hit effects or sneaking in alot of extra damage when something doesnt get bl..
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] |
Counterbore by Anthony Chrane |
Date Added: Monday August 08, 2011 |
Hands down the best counter to date. one counter, and you compleaty get rid of that card and all lik..
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] |
"You don't need the last at all"? The last is the only halfway decent part of the card.
The first i..
Rating: [2 of 5 Stars!] |
But a four card combo is not very difficult if you use serch cards such as tinker or fabricate. And ..
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] |
Eureka by Brian Callaghan |
Date Added: Wednesday August 03, 2011 |
This card would go great with Telepathy and Howling Mine! wish I hand the money to spend $125 on a p..
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] |
Displaying 401 to 450 (of 8110 reviews) |
Result Pages: 9 |